Sunday, May 4, 2008

"'The time has come,' the Walrus said,
'To talk of many things:
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax,
Of cabbages and kings,
And why the sea is boiling hot,
And whether pigs have wings."
-Lewis Carroll

As a person who has devoted his professional life to design and the pursuit of making brands more relevant to consumers - I was given pause the other day when I viewed a video series created by VBS.TV called TOXIC - Garbage Island. The Problem? The Pacific Gyre, a large section of ocean flanked by circular rotating currents and twice the size of Texas that draws in flotsam and jetsam and holds it there for years and years. If it was organic or made out of a substance that easily broke down, it would be of no concern - but, it is a big problem and only getting bigger. We're talking plastic. Lots and lots of plastic that's not breaking down. These pieces, still polymers, are eventually the size of individual molecules, which are still not easily digested by the oceans and worse yet,some plastics photodegrade into other pollutants. PCB's, pesticides and waterborne diseases are all there together swirling together in a natural hot tub.

What happens next is that the entire earth conspires worldwide to eliminate harmful materials that destroy our planet, President Bush brings this matter to the attention of the world and makes the cleanup his legacy that rights all wrongs and a 16 year old boy in 4H from Iowa enters a pig that actually glides from the roof of the barn to the yard. etc. etc. etc...Right??